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Dromatherium sylvestre and Microconodon tenuirostris were tiny rat or shrew-like animals known from a few jaws and teeth from the Latest Carnian (Adamanian stage) of the Newark Supergroup of Eastern North America (North Carolina, Virginia, and Pennsylvania). Originally (during the 19th century) considered among the earliest and most primitive mammals, they were reinterpreted in the 1920s by G.G. Simpson. Their several supposedly unique mammalian features are shared by tritheledontids and other advanced cynodonts, and they are now best regarded as advanced or derived eucynodonts of uncertain affinities. A dromatherid has been reported from the Tiki Formation, India, and several problematic taxa known only from isolated teeth from the Late Triassic and Early Jurassic of Europe are also usually placed in the Dromatheridae.


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