Alexandre et Roxane (JFoliveras)

"Done for my project about Alexander the Great. I had not painted Alexander in a while, so this one has ended up looking a bit different from earlier versions. Expect a new version of him in full armor, maybe on horseback, sooner than later. I based Alexander's appearance both on statues and his description by classical authors, which can be tricky because ancient Greek categories for hair, eye and skin color don't match the categories we use today. In some aspects he would have looked like Achilles. His Sogdian wife Roxana is based on my own guesses, because sources don't specify her appearance other than she was fierce, barbaric, and "the most beautiful woman in Asia", so I based her on ancient Greek and post-Achaemenid canons of beauty (making parallelisms with Aphrodite / Venus and Helen of Troy helped), and on women with braided hair depicted on Achaemenid cylinder seals.
The scars in Alexander are not completely made-up (some are) but there are at least two that can be related with two recorded occasions when Alexander almost lost his life. Can you identify these two scars and the battles (sieges) where he got them?"

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