L'étude de la plus ancienne trace de pied d'un ancêtre humain doté de pieds identiques aux nôtres date de 1,5 millions d'années et a été découverte au Kenya. L'étude de cette empreinte a révélé des détails intéressants sur notre lointain ancêtre:
The size and spacing of the footprints indicate they were made by people with bodies similar to modern humans. Given their age, the prints were most likely made by Homo erectus, the first human ancestor to sport long legs and short arms, Harris said.
(...) Daniel Lieberman is an anthropologist at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and an expert on the evolution of human locomotion. In an email exchange, he said the "prints unambiguously indicate that by 1.5 million years ago H. erectus had a human-like foot." Other human ancestors such as the australopithecines may have also been efficient walkers, he said. But a more modern foot anatomy with spring-like arches and short toes is important for running, which may have contributed to the success of H. erectus.
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